

Contreras Chiropractic makes every effort to ensure that it accurately represents its products, services, and the benefits of chiropractic as a whole. Contreras Chiropractic maintains this Website as a service to our customers and the internet community. This Website has been designed to provide general information about Contreras Chiropractic and its service offerings. The pages within this site are not intended to provide medical advice, nor do they provide instruction on the appropriate use of products produced or supplied by our customers, their affiliates, related companies, or their licensors or joint venture partners. Access and use of this Web site is subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws, statutes, and/or regulations. Contreras Chiropractic may revise these terms and conditions from time to time without further notice by updating this posting. Your access or use of this Web site indicates your acceptance of these terms.

With all the diseases and conditions mentioned on this website and in testimonials the viewer might assume that chiropractic is in fact a proper treatment for each of these conditions or diseases in all instances. This is NOT the case. For example, chiropractic has been shown to be effective for shifting a baby from the breech position (the Webster Technique), but there is no guarantee it will be effective in all instances. Similarly, studies have shown that chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy may reduce migraines. (See Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Feb. 2000:23(2), PP. 91-95.) Other studies have shown that chiropractic treatments may stimulate respiratory function. (See Lines DH, McMilan AJ, Spehr GJ, Effects of Soft Tissue Technique and Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflex Stimulation on Respiratory Function, J Australian Chiropractors’ Association, 1990, 20:17-22). There is no guarantee chiropractic will be effective in the treatment of any disease, however, numerous studies have shown that chiropractic treatment can provide health benefits and wellness. This site and the testimonials herein are conveying individual experiences and are not intended extrapolated to all individuals.

The information available through this site is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for professional advice. Contreras Chiropractic does not make any warranties, express or implied, to the accuracy of the information contained on this site and is not liable for injury, loss or damages resulting from relying on the information contained on this site. Proper interpretation of this information is best made with the insight of a qualified chiropractor.

Contreras Chiropractic will use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this site, but all information is provided “AS IS.” In addition, any information presented on this Web site as of a particular date may only be accurate as of such date and Contreras Chiropractic disclaims any responsibility to update such information. Contreras Chiropractic shall not be held responsible for any action taken that is based on the information presented on this site, and all users of this site agree that all access and use of the content presented on this Web site is at the user’s own risk. Neither Contreras Chiropractic, its doctors, staff, its agents or affiliates shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of user’s access, use, or inability to use this site, or any errors or omissions in the content of the site.